Cyber4Energy – The 1st European Forum on cybersecurity for the energy sector

Digital Event

Raising awareness to the cybersecurity challenges and solutions specific to the energy sector in order to enhance the protection of the critical energy industry

30th & 31st March 2022 – Digital Event

L’évènement Cyber4Energy se tiendra EN LIGNE et GRATUITEMENT, avec un programme concentré adapté au digital, aux mêmes dates !



Programme complet mis à jour ICI


Mercredi 30 Mars (9h30-12h) : Cybersecurity challenges in the energy sector in details
– OPENING SESSION from public local, National and European Authorities with a special high-light on Ukrain crisis
– Keynote speech : Risks and challenges in the energy sector
Threat reports for the energy sector
Impact of cybersecurity threats on the European electricity grid
Resilience of the energy supply chain

👉 Incription Webinaire du 30/03 :


Jeudi 31 Mars (9h30-12h) : Cybersecurity technologies and solutions
– Cybersecurity standardisation landscape
– ENEDIS CERT overview
– 🏆Challenge Cyber4Energy:
Découvrez les lauréats du Challenge Startup et PME qui récompensera les entreprises européennes proposant ou ayant mis en place des solutions cyber innovantes dans le secteur de l’énergie.

👉 Inscription Webinaire du 31/03 :


5 competitiveness clusters of the French Smart Energy Alliance are involved
to build this event. Their purpose is to bring two sectors into dialogue:
the world of cybersecurity and the energy one, to create performant solutions !

French innovation clusters in energy and digital transition and mobility strengthen their strategic alliance under the “Smart Energy Alliance” banner.

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