Key Technologies

AI – Big Data

SCS regroupe les acteurs de l'IA et de la Big Data

AI and Big data : technologies intimately linked


The large scale deployment of IoT technologies and specially all different connected areas in the economy will automatically lead to a large data creation which will be collected and transmitted by all networks to the platforms, to the cloud and the Information systems of telecom operators, BtoB and BtoC users. These Big data technologies are therefore necessary for the good run of Pole SCS strategic domains such as the IoT, the connected objects and the digital security.

SCS est spécialiste de l'Intelligence Artificielle

The data will consequently be used for Artificial Intelligence purposes in order to provide more accurate analysis, to develop new services, to increase the industry and supply chain performance, to bring added value and reinforce products and services for all economical actors and individuals as well as the research sector.

Major technological challenges


Big Data

Data volume growth: what volumes of data to process and store?

Capability to process and organize data in real time or very quickly

Capability to process and organize a large variety of data (structured, unstructured, multiple formats, …)

Data levels of trust and security


Explicability of results

Scaleup, High Performance Computing

Software development tools and methods, software workshops

Complex request treatment

Action automation


SCS has set up a dedicated working group to encourage innovations and R&D projects around the AI and Big Data.


  • A network of 80 partners
  • 70% of startups et PMEs
  • 100 million € R&D invested in 28 R&D projects funded up to 33 million €
  • 28% turnover annual growth over the 5 past years

Technologies for high-growth markets

To access markets and customers, the SCS Cluster has since 2013 launched “Market Meetings” with technology providers and major contractors for networking, for project launch or Proof Of Concepts.

These target markets are:

  • Health
  • Smart Cities
  • Industry 4.0
  • Transport and Mobility
  • Smart Vehicle